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Melrose Pharmacy

Be Safe This Summer!

Multi-colored flip flops in the sand

There are a lot of things you can do to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy this summer.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water every 30 minutes to prevent heat stress or stroke.

  • Play it Safe: Before letting the kids play, check the area for potential hazards such as sharp edges, rotting wood etc. that can cause injury.

  • Watch out for Poisonous Plants: Be able to recognize poison ivy and other poisonous plants to avoid those areas.

  • Beat the Heat: Dress for the weather, apply sunscreen regularly, schedule outdoor activities for morning or evening hours.

Did you know that more than 2 million Americans develop skin cancer each year? Don’t get burned this summer - wear sunscreen. Here are some sunscreen best practices:

  1. Choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher, is water resistant, and provides broad-spectrum coverage.

  2. Apply sunscreen generously before going outdoors.

  3. Most adults need at least one ounce of sunscreen, about the amount you can hold in your palm, to fully cover all exposed areas of your body.

  4. Apply sunscreen to all bare skin (neck, face, ears, tops of your feet and legs).

  5. Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours and immediately after swimming or excessively sweating.

A special message for men: In 2012, twice as many American men died from melanoma as women. Surveys show that 48 percent of men practice sun avoidance, compared to 68 percent of women. Wear sunscreen.

Last, but not least, mosquitoes spread Zika and other viruses. Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus or para-menthane-diol or 2-undecanone. You should also wear protective clothes. Long sleeve shirts and long pants or use insect repellent.

Be sure to come by the pharmacy and talk with a Melrose pharmacist about what products may be right for you and your family.


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